Monday, October 03, 2016

12 फरवरी,1924 को मिलान (इटली) से 'L'Unita.Quotidiano degli operai e dei contadini' , यानी 'एकता:मजदूरों-किसानों का दैनिक' का प्रकाशन शुरू हुआ (जो 12 अगस्त से इटली की कम्युनिस्ट पार्टी का मुखपत्र बन गया) |इसके प्रवेशांक में अंतोनियो ग्राम्शी ने एक लेख लिखा--"Capo" यानी "नेता" | इस लेख में उन्होंने लेनिन का उदाहरण देते हुए बताया है कि मजदूर वर्ग का नेता कैसा होता है और साथ ही बुर्जुआ वर्ग के फ़ासिस्ट नेता के रूप में बेनितो मुसोलिनी का भी दिलचस्प और सटीक चित्रण किया है |
लेनिन के बारे में वे लिखते हैं:
The Russian Communist Party, with lenin as its leader, was so bound to the entire development of the Russian proletariat, and, thus, to the development of entire Russian nation, that it is not even possible to imagine one without the other, the proletariat as dominant class without the Communist Party being the government party and, therefore, without the party's central committee being the inspiration of government policies, without Lenin being the head of state... ... In the end even the Russian bourgeois understood, though poorly, that Lenin could never become head of state and keep this appointment without proletarian rule, without the Communist Party being the government party.
अब देखिये, बेनितो मुसोलिनी के बारे में ग्राम्शी क्या लिखते हैं:
We are familiar with that face, and the rolling of those eyes in their sockets which in the past, by their mechanical fierceness,used to make the bourgeoisie and now the proletariat ill to their stomach. We are familiar with his fist always clenched as a threat. We know all this mechanism, all this paraphernalia, and we understand how this can impress the young of the bourgeois schools and moov them. It is very impressive, even at close range, and it astounds.
But a "leader"? [He is] the perfect embodiment of the Italian petit bourgeois, a rabid and fiery blend of all the debris left on the national soil by centuries of foreign and Church domination: he could not become the leader of the proletariat. He became leader of the bourgeoisie, who love fiery faces when they turn bourbon again, and hope to see the working class as terrified as they were by the rolling of those eyes and the threatening clenched fist.
किसी फ़ासिस्ट नेता के कल्ट के इस प्रभावी विवरण-विश्लेषण के बारे में पढ़ने के बाद मोदी के फूहड़ घिनौने लेकिन रुग्नमानस कूपमंडूक मध्यवर्ग को सम्मोहित करने वाले कल्ट को आसानी से समझा जा सकता है |

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